a stunning loch

Round Loch of the Dungeon

water managed by Galloway Forest Park

Low alkalinity Shallow Low shoreline complexity Mid elevation Very small
Image © Copyright Mark McKie and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence. More information about this image at Geograph.

Round Loch of the Dungeon is a very small freshwater lake located in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. It is generally shallow with low alkalinity and is situated at mid altitude.

  • Galloway Forest Park, Scotland
  • Lake
  • Brown trout

Permission & Tickets

Permission isn't required for lochs situated high up in the Galloway National Park.

If you are uncertain, please contact the Forestry Commission Scotland.

Please be aware that this is a natural resource and is still recovering from the effects of acidification. Remember to try and do your bit and return the fish to the water unharmed.

Waters nearby

Waters within 5 miles of Round Loch of the Dungeon

Long loch of the Dungeon
Galloway Forest Park, Scotland

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  • lake
  • Brown trout
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  • lake
  • Brown trout
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  • lake
  • Brown trout
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Galloway Forest Park, Scotland

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  • lake
  • Brown trout
Loch Valley
Galloway Forest Park, Scotland

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  • lake
  • Brown trout
Loch Dee
Galloway Forest Park, Scotland

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  • lake
  • Brown trout