a stunning loch

Loch Nam Falcag

water managed by Stornoway Angling Association

Duration: 00:34 Distance: 2.76 km Ascent: 14.91m Difficulty: 37 / 100
Low alkalinity Shallow High shoreline complexity Low elevation Large
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Loch nam Falcag offers great fishing opportunities, with some key areas to explore. Be cautious, as it is quite shallow throughout the lake, especially in the western section where the burn enters from Loch Losal a’ Bhruic. The entire western section is shallow but still worth exploring.
Productive areas include the south side of the largest island and around three weed beds to the west of the same island.

Trout can be caught all over the loch, with an average size of 8-10oz. Anglers can expect a lot of action, often catching 10-25 fish per day.

Successful fly patterns include Dabblers, Bumbles, Blue Zulu, Clan Chief, Butcher, Peter Ross, and Green Peter.

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  • Lake
  • Brown trout
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