a stunning loch

Loch of Boardhouse

water managed by Orkney Trout Fishing Association

High alkalinity Very shallow Moderate shoreline complexity Low elevation Large
Image © Copyright Wayne Easton and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence. More information about this image at Geograph.

Boardhouse tends to be the visiting anglers preferred loch due mainly to the fact that it is virtually skerry free and fish can be taken all over with long drifts across the middle of the loch often being the most productive. Wading can be successful at times, usually early season when fish are more likely to be feeding on the stones. With Daphnia being a major food item for the Boardhouse trout, the angler must tailor his tactics to suit the conditions.
Although the fish can be found feeding right in the surface layers in overcast conditions calling for a floating or intermediate lines, in brighter conditions the daphnia recede to the depths and this requires a change to a higher density line to locate the feeding trout. June can bring prolific hatches of olives and midge which usually brings with it surface feeding activity, other important food items include shrimp, snails, caenis, cow dungs and daddies. The trout in the loch tend to average about 11- 14 oz. with a two-pounder worthy of note. Weed growth from mid summer onwards can reduce fishable areas but it seldom causes a problem.

Boat Hire: W.M. Hay, Cursiter Cottage, Twatt 01856841722 (Mobile 07769828534)
Barony Hotel, Birsay, 01856 721 327

More information about fishing the Orkney Lochs can be found on the Association’s website

  • Mainland, Orkney
  • Lake
  • Brown trout

Permission & Tickets

Membership of the OTFA is the most active way for the individual angler to support the essential work of conservation and preservation of the trout fishing in Orkney.
For a nominal sum of money, local and visiting anglers may use all the facilities of the association and also ensure the future of some of the best wild trout fishing available.

More information about becoming a member can be found on the association website

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