water managed by Forsinard Flyfishers’ Club
Loch Coulbackie has been seldom visited in recent times so little is known about the quality of fishing.
Historical records have shown fish of over 2lbs being caught in the past, well worth a visit for the determined, adventurous angler.
This is a rough track so a 4×4 will be necessary to drive to the end and park.
Membership is open to all, with initial membership fees kept as low as possible, our emphasis on encouraging juniors members demonstrated by the free joining fee for under 18s. With no further cost following seasonal membership, the 41 lochs available for members to bank fish represent amazing value and fantastic variety. Boats are available for members on 10 lochs with a minimal charge applying.
There is a membership application form on the website.
Once you have received and payed for your membership, you can book fishing on each loch through the website.
Please note that all fishing must be booked using the club website, bookings can be made once payment has been received.
Waters within 5 miles of Loch Coulbackie