water managed by Forsinard Flyfishers’ Club
Follow A897, Melvich to Helmsdale road, parking in area on the north side of cattle-grid just before electrical substation Grid reference 904599. Caol is an energetic 2.2km walk. Pass through the double gate, head uphill and along argo track ensuring forestry is to the left of the track. Pass through the gate and follow the route of the pylons to pass Loch Akran on your right, walk a further 400m then head north a further 250m to reach the loch. Caol is historically known as ‘Champagne’ nobody is sure of the reason why, perhaps successful anglers celebrated in style! Little is known about the fishing in this loch though historical records show fish of 2lb plus being caught in the past. This loch has been rarely fished, one for the determined angler who enjoys a challenge. Let us know!
Membership is open to all, with initial membership fees kept as low as possible, our emphasis on encouraging juniors members demonstrated by the free joining fee for under 18s. With no further cost following seasonal membership, the 41 lochs available for members to bank fish represent amazing value and fantastic variety. Boats are available for members on 10 lochs with a minimal charge applying.
There is a membership application form on the website.
Once you have received and payed for your membership, you can book fishing on each loch through the website.
Please note that all fishing must be booked using the club website, bookings can be made once payment has been received.
Waters within 5 miles of Loch Caol (Champagne)