a stunning loch

Loch Bharp is known for its seatrout, probably the most famous sea trout loch in South Uist.

  • South Uist, Scotland
  • Lake
  • Brown trout, Salmon, and Sea trout

Permission & Tickets

Up to date permit and boat information can be found on the South Uist Fishing website

Waters nearby

Waters within 5 miles of Loch Bharp

South Uist, Scotland

Hallan is a very shallow machair loch that can fish well early season. Two main basins are split by a channel of shallow water over a sand bar; both ...

  • lake
  • Brown trout
Mill Loch
South Uist, Scotland

There is excellent brown trout fishing on Mill Loch. The trout average 3/4lb and fish of 11/2lb are not uncommon. Fishing is best from July to Sep ...

  • lake
  • Brown trout, Salmon, and Sea trout