water managed by Orkney Trout Fishing Association
This very small water which lies between Skaill and Harray can also be regarded as capable of producing specimens fish under 2lb should be returned to achieve their full potential weight.
One reason for the rapid growth rates of the trout in Clumly is the vast amount of Corixa and Sticklebacks therein and the choice of fly pattern should reflect this. The loch cannot withstand heavy fishing pressure and as the season progresses the fish become increasingly difficult to locate and it is generally felt that they take refuge in the large weed beds and are therefore uncatchable.
Membership of the OTFA is the most active way for the individual angler to support the essential work of conservation and preservation of the trout fishing in Orkney.
For a nominal sum of money, local and visiting anglers may use all the facilities of the association and also ensure the future of some of the best wild trout fishing available.
More information about becoming a member can be found on the association website
Waters within 5 miles of Loch of Clumly