a stunning loch

Loch of Arg

water managed by Shetland Anglers Association

Low alkalinity Shallow Low shoreline complexity Low elevation Very small
Image © Copyright John Lucas and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence. More information about this image at Geograph.

A small, shallow loch which is little fished by local anglers. It holds mostly small fish but in recent years a few better fish have been caught.

  • Mainland, Shetland
  • Lake
  • Brown trout

Permission & Tickets

Fishing permits can be purchased at either the Lerwick Tourist Office or the tackle shop, Rod and Line, which is in Harbour Street in Lerwick. The SAA organises a number of fishing competitions during the season running separate boat and bank leagues and the visiting angler will be made most welcome at these. Details will be supplied with your permit.

You can also buy a permit online from the Association's website.

Boats for hire – The Association has several boats for hire, and at present these are located at the following lochs – Loch of Benston, Loch of Asta, Loch of Northouse, Loch of Clousta, Loch of Tingwall, Sulma Water and Punds Water. These can change, but details of boat locations and hire can be got from the tackle shop.

Clubhouse – The SAA owns an unlicensed clubhouse, situated in Burns Lane in Lerwick, to which the visiting angler is most welcome. Hours of opening are from 8.30pm and 11.00pm on most Tuesdays and Fridays.

Waters nearby

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  • Brown trout
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  • Brown trout and Sea trout
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  • Brown trout
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  • Brown trout
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  • Brown trout
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  • Brown trout
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  • Brown trout and Sea trout
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  • Brown trout
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