a stunning loch

Loch Raonasgail

water managed by Reasort Estates

Low alkalinity Shallow Moderate shoreline complexity Low elevation Small
Image © Copyright Julian Paren and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence. More information about this image at Geograph.

Loch Raonasgail is the source of the Red River and is located in a stunning and dramatic glen.
It is the most easily accessible loch in the Uig and Hamanavay system.
The loch is best fished from a boat with a northerly or southerly wind. However, the southern end of the loch can also be productive for bank fishing in slightly stronger winds.
Only one boat is available for two anglers.

  • Isle of Lewis, Scotland
  • Lake
  • Brown trout, Salmon, and Sea trout
Waters nearby

Waters within 5 miles of Loch Raonasgail

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Isle of Lewis, Scotland

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  • lake
  • Brown trout, Salmon, and Sea trout
Loch na Craobhaig
Isle of Lewis, Scotland

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  • lake
  • Brown trout, Salmon, and Sea trout