water managed by The National Trust
Historically this was the big brown trout water of the Lakes. Many of the big fish coming to the fly during its prolific mayfly hatches.
Loweswater, unlike other lakes in the valley, has been affected by eutrophication and unfortunately the trout fishing has suffered badly.
There are trout but relatively recent studies have shown their size and numbers have decreased.
The National Trust are trying to identify the cause of the nutrient enrichment. So hopefully, with some management, we will see the exceptional trout fishery of old.
Day permits cover Buttermere, Crummock Water and Loweswater, and a short stretch of the River Cocker.
Tickets are £10 and can be purchased from the car park machine at the National Trust car parks in Buttermere and Lanthwaite Wood.
You can pay for parking and fishing on your phone using Paybyphone, but you can't do this in advance, only on the day.
Some will struggle with limited reception at the carparks, so I recommend paying using the app before you leave home or bring plenty of pound coins for your fishing ticket.
The Paybyphone location number for fishing is 804482
Waters within 5 miles of Loweswater