a stunning loch

Cant Clough

water managed by Mitre Angling Club

Duration: 00:33 Distance: 2.18 km Ascent: 78.02m Difficulty: 30 / 100
Moderate alkalinity Shallow Low shoreline complexity Mid elevation Small

Situated on Worsthorne Moor, you’d not know this water was so close to Burnley. Almost panoramic views of rolling fields and moor, it’s a hidden gem that feels miles away from anywhere.

Hatchery fish, offspring of the wild fish indigenous to Cant Clough, supplement the water’s stock of wild acid-tolerant brown trout.

Like most reservoirs during the summer, low levels can make fishing difficult as the fish’s territory is left high and dry.

I’d fish earlier in the season to avoid wading through the mud.

I had a smashing first trip to Cant Clough; fishing hogs dry in a moderate easterly, one day in May. I landed seven hard-fighting fish; one was over 2 lbs.
The water was up to the tree line, and the fish were feeding hard on terrestrials.

  • Burnley, England
  • Lake
  • Brown trout

Permission & Tickets

This is Mitre’s only day ticket water. Tickets can be purchased from MACK’s Angling Centre Ltd in Burnley.
You'll need cash £15 cash for your permit.