a stunning loch

Loch Brecbowie

water managed by Galloway Forest Park

Low alkalinity Shallow Low shoreline complexity Mid elevation Very small


This is a very fishy looking loch but on the day we fished it we only managed two small trout.
The weather being favourable, I'd have expected to have had more action but the other lochs we fished didn't produce much either that weekend.

However, there are fish presents and there are the remains of an old fishing boat so maybe on the right day, it will fish.

  • Galloway Forest Park, Scotland
  • Lake
  • Brown trout

Permission & Tickets

Permission isn't required for lochs situated high up in the Galloway National Park.

If you are uncertain please contact the Forestry Commission Scotland, you can find their details below.

Please be aware that this is a natural resource and is still recovering from the effects of acidification. Remember to try and do your bit and return the fish to the water unharmed.